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The Institute was started as "Food Craft Institute" in September 1973. Initially only three food craft trades were introduced and subsequently other trades were added. With the growing need of manpower in hotel industry, the State Government of Orissa introduced 3-years diploma course in Hotel Management & Catering Technology and the Institute was renamed as "State Institute of Hotel Management" in 1981. The Institute was further upgraded to the national level by the Government of India and was named as "Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition" in the year 1984. After upgradation of the Institute to the status of Institute of Hotel Management, the Institute has been receiving grant-in-aid from government of India with effect from 1st January 1984.
The Institute has become self sufficient from financial year 1997-98 in its revenue expenditure. However, the institute still depends for its capital expenditure on Government of India in the form of grant-in-aid.
National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (Society) was set up in the year 1982 by the Government of India as an autonomous body for coordinated growth and development of hospitality education in the country.Initially, the Council was set up as the National Board of ...
More Info Pic Gallery DownloadsAfter you attend IHM, Bhubaneswar, We are always overjoyed to hear about our students' achievements after they leave us. What we hope you all share is a deep affinity for the education and experiences you gained excellence in professional education. The University is home to some of the top ...
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