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Institute of Hotel Management
Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition
वीर सुरेन्द्र साई नगर , भुवनेश्वर
V.S.S Nagar , Bhubaneswar
(पर्यटन मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्वायत्तशासी निकाय)
An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
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Hunar Se Rozgar
Exam Detail
26.11.2012Food Production- 3rd Batch
26.11.2012Food Production- 4th Batch
26.11.2012Food Production- 6th Batch
26.11.2012Food Production- 7th Batch
26.11.2012Food Production- 12th Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 3rd Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 4th Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 5th Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 6th Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 7th Batch
26.11.2012F&B Service - 8th Batch
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