Institute of Hotel Management Institute of Hotel Management
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The Institute was started as "Food Craft Institute" in September 1973. Initially only three food craft trades were introduced and subsequently other trades were added. With the growing need of manpower in hotel industry, the State Government of Orissa introduced 3-years diploma course in Hotel Management & Catering Technology and the Institute was renamed as "State Institute of Hotel Management" in 1981. The Institute was further upgraded to the national level by the Government of India and was named as "Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition" in the year 1984. After upgradation of the Institute to the status of Institute of Hotel Management, the Institute has been receiving grant-in-aid from government of India with effect from 1st January 1984.
The Institute has become self sufficient from financial year 1997-98 in its revenue expenditure. However, the institute still depends for its capital expenditure on Government of India in the form of grant-in-aid.
Mission & Vision
IHM, Bhubaneswar seeks to meet the needs of students and employers by offering relevant, quality career education programmes in related field of Hotel Management so that a student can significantly contribute to the society in general and hotel industry in particular.
 The aims and the objectives of this Institute is to assist for the development of the country in the following ways. 
  •  To provide instructions and training in all the crafts and skills, all the branches of knowledge both theoretical and applied, and all the organizational and management techniques which are required for the efficient functioning of the hotel and catering establishment of all kinds, as well as institutional feeding programmes in industrial establishment and similar organization.
  •  To impart instructions and training in modern and scientific techniques of management of hotels and catering establishments.
  •  To undertake and associate itself with nutritional value of food items and its development work.
  •  To offer consultancy in the field of hospitality & tourism.
  •  To assist in and associate itself with the efforts of the Central and State Government to popularise wholesome non-cereal foods particularly protective food, with a view to the diversification of the regional Indian diet and the enrichment of its nutritional content.
  •  To assist in and associate itself with the food research Institutes, food scientists and technologists, their nutritional ideas through the development of suitable recipes and planning of menus.
  •  To ensure more nutritious and balance food to the common man thus raising the level of nutrition in the country thereby raising the standard of the food  and reduce diseases due to malnutrition and unhygienic handling of food.
  •  To ensure minimum wastage of valuable food stuff through scientific and proper handling at the appropriate time in accordance with the latest techniques.
About Institute
The institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition at Bhubaneswar is the metamorphosis of Food Craft institute. This was established in the year 1973 to fulfill the crucial need for skilled manpower in different areas of Hotel industries. On upgradation in 1981, it has been providing education and training course in almost every area of the hospitality trade.
The institute is jointly sponsored by Government of India and Government of Orissa. It is headed by a Board of Governors consisting of eminent persons from government and industry. This institute is affiliated to the National Council for Hotel Management, New Delhi, which is apex body to control and conduct examination.
The Hospitality industry call, for hard work, diligence and perseverance has been rightly recognised by the institute and an effort is made to develop the right attitude and personality traits in a candidate. This enables him to meet the demands of the industry. The course presents modular objective driven training and aims at sufficing the need of specialised manpower for Hotel industry.
The Institute is quite successful in its placement prospects. Leading hotels in the country conducts campus interviews every year and many bright students have several offers to choose from . The students who have already passed out occupy responsible designation such as Junior Manager, Supervisors and skilled craftsman in Hotels, Restaurants, Airlines, Railways, Mobile catering units, Industrial canteens, Institutions, hospitals and as faculty member in training institutions. Some students have turned to be successful entrepreneurs in the service industry.
Performance & Analysis
Apart from regular academic programmes this institute has been undertaking several activities to help the hoteliers and caterers in different occasions and rendering technical advises to the hotel and catering industry and other related organisations from time to time.
Students of this Institute are put to actual service in commercial level and serve VIP's so that the training is not restricted only inside the laboratories and class rooms. Arrangement is also made with local hotels for giving them opportunities in operational training to obtain first hand knowledge of their profession. The students are also sent for periodical training during their vacation to different big hotels in the country.
As per their curriculum prescribed by the National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, New Delhi the second year students are sponsored to undergo practical training for a duration of 22 weeks which is compulsory for all the students.

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