Institute of Hotel Management Institute of Hotel Management
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        Important points are given hereunder for information of the students.
1.      Exposure to Industrial Training is an integral part for the 2nd year curriculum. The 17weeks (17X6=102 days) industrial training would be divided into four/five weeks each in the four key areas of Food Production, Food & Beverage Service, Accommodation Operation & Front Office Operations.
2.      Attendance in the 2nd year would be calculated separately for the two components of in-institute training and industrial training. Industrial Training will require an input of 102 working days i.e. (17 weeksX06days=102days). During Industrial Training Period a student can avail leave to a maximum of 15% (15 days) only with prior permission of the hotel authorities. Similarly, the institute principal can condone an additional 10% (10 days) on production of a medical certificate. Thus a student must complete minimum 77 days of Industrial Training to become eligible for Term-End-Examination (102-15=87-10=77 days).
3.      For award of marks, 20% marks of Industrial Training would be on basis of feedback from Industry in the prescribed Performance Appraisal Form (PAF) form completed from all four departments of the hotel for submission of the institute at the end of industrial training. For the remaining 80% marks, students will be assessed on the basis of Seminar/ Presentation before a select panel. The presentation would be limited to only one key area of student’s interest. A hard copy of the report will also have to be submitted to the panel.
4.      Once the student has been selected/ deputed for Industrial Training by the Institute he/she shall not be permitted to undergo industrial training elsewhere.
5.      There will be no internal change of candidates from one batch to another i.e winter batch to summer batch and vice versa.
6.      Students must submit Industrial Training Report and Log Book prior to the commencement of examination.
7.      Assessment will be done by both Internal and External examiner during Term End Examination.

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