Institute of Hotel Management Institute of Hotel Management
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General Rules


Working Hours: 

The working hours of the institute are 9 a.m. To 5.30 p.m. for five days a week. 

Institute Regulations:

1. Every Student must always carry his/her identity card which will be supplied by the Institute office on payment.
2. The students must not absent themselves from any Institute activity without the prior permission of the Principal.
3. The Institute may take disciplinary action against a student whose conduct is not satisfactory and the fees paid will be forfeited.
4. Smoking & Drinking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Institute.
5. No student should communicate any information or write about matters dealing with Institute administration in the press. 
6. Absence without leave is considered a breach of discipline.
7. The Institute authorities cannot accept any liability in respect of any accident caused to a student while engaged in practical work or due to any other causes.
8. Any change of address should be immediately notified for Institute's records.
Uniform:Uniform as prescribed for each discipline is compulsory for each student.

Medical Facilities:

Working in the hotel industry demands not only a sound mind but a robust health also. To ensure that a student remains healthy all through his learning period, a qualified medical practitioner visits the Institute twice a week. The doctor is available at the hostels on the weekends too. In case of any sudden illness, he is always available on call. Standard First aid facility is also made available to the students in the practical labs.

Other Activities:

Sports & Games, Food Fests, Cultural Programmes, Chef Contests (Inter & Intra Institutes) and social activities like Blood Donation Camps etc. are organized from time to time.

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