Institute of Hotel Management Institute of Hotel Management
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Financial Aids

Criteria for SC Students: The SC students belonging to 1st Semester of 3-Years B.Sc, in Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme, whose parents income from all sources does not exceed `.4.50 lakh per annum will be eligible for the Scholarship. Since the above Scholarship is limited to Five Students only, recommendation for three students will be made in the inter-se-merit list (Ranking) of Joint Entrance Examination conducted for admission to the course.
Criteria for ST Students: The ST students belonging to 1st Semester of 3-Years B.Sc, in Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme, whose parents income from all sources does not exceed `.4.50 lakh per annum will be eligible for the Scholarship. Since the above Scholarship is limited to Two Students only, recommendation for two students will be made in the inter-se-merit list (Ranking) of Joint Entrance Examination conducted for admission to the course.
Criteria for Disability Students: The disability students belonging to 3-Years B.Sc. in Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme, whose parents income from all sources does not exceed `. 6.00 lakh per annum will be eligible for the Scholarship. Since the above Scholarship is limited to Two Students only, recommendation for two students will be made in the inter-se-merit list (Ranking) of Joint Entrance Examination 2016 conducted for admission to the course.
a.    Selection for grant of this scholarship shall be made only from amongst such candidates who fulfill all the criteria and apply for the same.
b.   The scholarship shall be provided to one student in each of the six semester who obtains the highest percentage of aggregate marks the minimum being 60% in JEE/ First/ Second/ Third/ Fourth and Fifth semester final examination.
c.    The gross family income of the beneficiary from all the sources should not exceed `.3.00(Three) lakhs per annum.
d.   The student being offered this scholarship should not be in the receipt of any other scholarship/stipend etc. under some other scheme, he/she will be required to exercise his/her option of choosing the scholarship that he/ she propose to avail.
e.    The amount of scholarship is to the extent of full semester fee except examination fee and caution money as application from time to time.
a. Students are advised to visit post matric scholarship website of their respective state and National Scholarship Portal for criteria and eligibility.

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