There was a time when cooking was purely an art but now it is descried as both an art and a technology. Kitchen work is very daunting. There is always the next meal to prepare and work goes on. It may also entail working under pressure in hot and noisy kitchens and being on ones feet all the time. However, this is appropriately compensated with high salaries and a immensely creative work environment. Food production is essentially a skilled and creative work of practical nature. Good chefs throughout their carriers can always command status, respect and a high salary. This is why there are many excellent opportunities in this Job. The basic craft course in professional cookery is designed to meet the needs o commix in hotels and restaurant, industrial catering, offices and factories etc. This intensive practical oriented course which includes six months of industrial exposure training, lays emphasis on the preparation o basic sauces, soups, stocks and gravies, meat and poultry preparation, egg and sandwiches etc, from French classical dishes to ethnic Indian Cookery, the course directs the training in very simplified practical way.
Sl.No. |
Course |
Duration |
Entry Qualification |
Upper Age Limit |
Intake Capacity
1. |
Craftsmanship Course in food Production |
1.6 Years |
10th class pass of 10+2 |
NA |
Monday to Friday: 9.15 a.m to 5.00 p.m
Every Saturday & Sunday holidays - Extra Curricular Activities
Weekly Assembly: Monday 9.05 a.m to 9.15 am